search and favourite tracks


Learn how to use the Soundcloud Manager software to search and favourite tracks. Favouriting other tracks is a great way to get users to check out your profile, as when a track is favourited the artist will get a notification and more often than not, check out your profile, follow you, listen to your tracks etc etc

Soundcloud Manager can play tracks before favouriting, to make it appear like a real favourite (who favourites without listening to the track?), can ignore pages containing certain terms.

Multi select accounts for ease of favouriting across multiple accounts. Enter a file path of search terms to start many search and favourite actions.

Search and favourite tracks

share track functionality


A tutorial showing you the various methods used by the Soundcloud Manager to allow you to share your tracks to groups.

Share multiple tracks to multiple groups, then automatically unshare and share to either the same groups (keeping your track in a prominent position) or share to new tracks.

Specify the number of groups to share to and the number of days to share for.

    <li>Search groups</li>
    <li>Specific group URL</li>
    <li>All groups a member of</li>
    <li>Selection of groups a member of</li>
    <li>Filepath containing list of groups</li>

    Share Track Functionality

    share tracks to groups - groups search


    In this tutorial we show you how to share your track to a selection of groups as found by searching for groups that meet a specific search term. Enter the search term to use for the group share, then a selection of groups at random will be shared to. Specify a share limit and number of days to share to. After the specified number of days, the track will be unshared and share to another selection of groups.

    Share tracks to group - group search

    soundcloud free proxy scraper / verification control


    Soundcloud Manager Proxy control

    The proxy control will allow you to

    • scrape proxies

    • verify proxies

    • filter proxies

    Basically it allows you to do everything you need to do to find some working public proxies. But as with anything in life, the more you put in the more you get out.

    The list of URLs used to scrape from can be found via the

    SETTINGS TAB > PROXY URLS button (in the proxy group of settings)

    Click that button and a text file opens with the list of websites. Now, you can your own list of websites here. And I recommend you do. Otherwise you are scraping the same sites as ALL OTHER SOUNDCLUD MANAGER USERS. Bit of effort to find some new sites and you will get some proxies that are not used and abused by other members.

    Back to the PROXY CONTROL, click the SCRAPE button. After a few seconds or so, you should see a pop up saying you have scraped XXXX proxies.

    All good.

    But many of these will not work, as the websites that list these proxies do not check them so often.

    For some features this doesn't matter, for example the PLAYS tab. Just use whatever proxies you scrape, and click INCREASE PLAYS. Many fail, but many don't and you can just let it run.

    IF you want to VERIFY your proxies that

    1) they work

    2) they do not leak your IP

    Click the VERIFY button. You have some options






    ANON means the standard IP header does not contain your IP

    HIGH ANON means NO header leaks your IP such as X-FORWARDED-BY

    POST means the proxy allows sending of data

    POST ANON  / POST HIGH ANON are just combinations.

    Sometimes you only want to list PROXIES from certain countries.

    Click FILTER IN to filter IN proxies from certain countries. In the box, enter the country name or country abbreviation.

    On the flip side, you can filter OUT countries in a similar way via the FILTER OUT button.

    There is also a box CHECK SOUNDCLOUD.COM, this means the site will be pulled with the proxy, to ensure the proxy is not blacklisted by

    the best soundcloud bot just got better


    Soundcloud Manager Testing branch updated to include some funky new search capabilities.

    Search Soundcloud by entering the search URL direct. Allowing you full access to the Soundcloud search, even if the advanced search parameters are not directly available in the application.

    Scrape a Soundcloud users favourites. Want to find out what tracks a soundcloud user likes? Then perhaps follow those users? Or share a track to them? Or favourite the tracks as well? Or send a direct message? Well now you can.

    Update via the application HELP > UPDATE > TESTING link or if you have still to buy the app, do not delay, buy it today.

    soundcloud manager update


    Soundcloud made a big update to the functioning of their site which broke Soundcloud Manager functionality by about 80%. Thanks to the users who notified me I was able to get the bot fixed and updated within a few hours.

    Hopefully many of you didn't even notice :-)

    The downside is, I had to update the latest testing version and make this the stable branch, without it going through the normal 1-2 weeks external testing phase. There exists the possibility this version has some unknown issues, unlikely but it is possible, so if you noticed anything funky do let us know.

    Soundcloud Manager Update

    new exclusive - watch for new soundcloud followers - account watcher.


    Learn all about the latest and greatest feature to the Soundcloud Manager automation application. Watch for new followers to any of your accounts and fire actions when a new follower is detected.

    Follow the user back, send the user a direct message, share a track with message to the user.

    A great way to make contact with new followers and gain their attention to your tracks

    the best soundcloud bot - soundcloud manager


    A Preview run through of The Soundcloud Managers many features. Soundcloud Plays increaser, increase soundcloud followers, soundcloud PM bot, soundcloud track commenter bot, soundcloud unfollow bot, soundcloud scraper and more more more....

    Watch me stumble through the application as my voice slowly goes due to making too many of these damn tutorials lol

    increase soundcloud followers - location search


    Learn how to perform a user location search and follow the users returned. A great way to follow and contact users in a specific region.

    Got a gig coming up? What to do some promotion in a nearby city? Then use this exclusive functionality to find and follow targeted users. Or even save the list of users returned by the search to a text file to then perform an Email Scrape and contact users directly via email / messaging etc