soundcloud manager - scrape followers from v2 site


Soundcloud Manager is now able to scrape followers via the V2 - Next Soundcloud site, bypassing the bug that will not show followers when followers greater than 20,000

This functionality is found on the SCRAPER tab, enter the Profile URL in the box and click BROWSER SCRAPE.

The program will render a browser window in memory and proceed to scrape all followers saving to file. You can then use this file of soundcloud users as you see fit.

Another unique feature the Soundcloud Manager Soundcloud Bot

soundcloud account tagging


New functionality, tag your accounts for ease of finding in any Soundcloud Manager accounts control.

Double click the account to view Account details, then entering your CSV tags for that account.

Now in any accounts view, at the bottom, in the filter box, enter tags to filter by, again CSV and click FILTER.

Yet another UNIQUE feature to the Ultimate Soundcloud bot you will not find in any other Soundcloud Bot.

soundcloud unlike bot


A few of you mentioned you really must have an Unlike feature in Soundcloud Manager. So here it is.

You have the ability to specify which accounts to use, then a number of how many unlikes  / unfavourites you want to, then just click the button.

All quite simple really.

Now you have ability to reduce some of the likes of your accounts down from 20k+ in some instances I hear !!!

Keep those accounts looking realistic and keep soundcloud happy and keep your accounts alive

The update is on the Testing branch, access via the HELP > UPDATE > TESTING menu

increase soundcloud followers - user location search


A tutorial showing you how to search for soundcloud users based on user search with a location filter for country and city. Allowing you to target users easily for a great way to follow users in specific locations

Youtube - increase soundcloud followers - user location search

increase soundcloud followers - group search and follow


A tutorial showing you how to search for soundcloud users based on a Group Search. You enter a search term that will be used to search for groups. A selection of groups is chosen at random and a selection of users in those groups will be followed.

Following users is a great way to gain real life followers for your soundcloud account, as typically users will follow users who follow them.

Youtube - Search Groups and Follow Users

gain soundcloud followers - follow users in group


A tutorial showing you how to search for soundcloud users in a specific group. Specify the Group URL and the users in that group will be followed

Following users is a great way to gain real life followers for your soundcloud account, as typically users will follow users who follow them.

Youtube - Gain soundcloud followers - follow users in group

search and follow users - follow followers of


A tutorial showing you how to search for soundcloud users who are following a particular user. Specify the profile URL of the user whose followers you want to follow

Following users is a great way to gain real life followers for your soundcloud account, as typically users will follow users who follow them.

Youtube tutorial

soundcloud manager proxy control - filter in and out


A quick tutorial showing you how to filter in and filter out proxies based on the country of the proxy.

Filter in countries to only show proxies from those countries. Filter out to remove proxies from the specified countries

youtube - soundcloud manager proxy control - filter in and out